Luke 6:41 NIV

Luke 6:41 NIV
"Why do [I] look at the speck of sawdust in [my] brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in [my] own eye?"



No...not the band...but I couldn't resist.

There's no such thing as poison. A bold statement, I know. And not true...but I'm exaggerating for effect. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING consumed in massive amounts is deadly. (See picture) Pizza, soda, tacos, alfalfa sprouts, hummus, shaving cream. The list goes on.

Ricin kills. It's derived from the castor beans, which are used to create castor oil. (Anyone see the 80's classic Stand By Me...? The eating contest at the fair? I digress...) 8 castor beans are considered fatal. 2 beans are o.k. 6 beans are o.k. Anymore than 8, you better check to see your insurance premiums are paid. Fret not...a saline/glucose solution can possibly save the fatal effects of ricin! But HARK! Too much saline? You die. Too much glucose? You die. Too much carbon monoxide? Bad, bad, bad. A little carbon monoxide? Just a little stinky.

I breathe in oxygen, I breathe out carbon dioxide. Anymore than 7-10% carbon dioxide retention? I'll be pushing up daisies. Totally not fair since they breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen...and don't have to worry about premiums.

Cyanide. Cyanide is found in apple seeds. It's also the preferred method of "treating" cheating husbands.

Strychnine. Small doses: medicinal uses; laxative. Large doses? Rats and people beware.

Again, anything is large doses is dangerous. (Refer to above picture.) So is there such thing as "poison". Not anymore. Brett, C.C., Rikki and Susan broke up in the ... sorry ... wrong Poison. there any such thing as poison?

The Bible uses words to communicate it's message, yet describes words as being poison; it says the tongue is full of it.(James 3:8) 1 Corinthians 10:23 and 6:12 say that EVERYTHING is permissable (that is, allowed) but not everything is beneficial.

Are we as Christians living this way? Are we taking things in moderation...good and bad...or are we allowing ourselves to becomed poisoned by the world and life and stuff?

Everything in moderation. So what's your poison?


  1. coffee and that I care to much!

    good post bro. well said. however you do where our atheist friends might take this.....right?

    see you later.

  2. Actually, no. Where? Too much God?
